Updates & Learnings From the First Week

Updates & Learnings From the First Week

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The #30DaysOfStartingUp project has been motivating. Every night I feel accomplished going to bed, and every morning I wake up to stats I want to check immediately. The feeling is a familiar one - I was like this when I did passion projects. Stats kidnap me!

The stats are different from what I am used to with passion projects, though! It is much harder to get people’s attention with a startup than with free passion projects. I had project launches with 20,000 visitors on launch day and got on hacker news's front page.

Google Analytics for Type Detail at the first week:

Google Analytics for CSS Icon at the first week:

Google Analytics for Font Playground at the first week:

Now looking at my startup journey in its first week. I promote mostly my newsletter page, the stats of substack page visitors:

My old self would dread seeing this. However, my entrepreneur self looked at it from a different perspective. I learned my first lesson: passion projects are a short game; most of my projects reach their peak on launch day. Startup is a long game. We never want the peak to come.

Instead, I found encouragement in a different set of stats: the open rate is consistently above 40%. As long as I am putting in good work every day, my dear readers, you, come back to see my content and progress. That is the second lesson I learned: Persistency and consistency work.

I am sure there is still overnight success stories out there for startups, for example, Clubhouse. However, personally, I am not tuned into any clubhouse rooms anymore. What remains are the true fans. Overnight success certainly doesn’t hurt, but it is far from being necessary.

I was originally only planning to write the newsletter daily for 30 days. Now I have a bigger plan after 30 days: I will switch to biweekly and keep it running as long as the startup is open.

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