Our Journey to Launch Typogram's Pre-order

Hi There! You might be reading this because we just launched our preorder page for our app, Typogram. Typogram is a design tool that we have been working on. Specifically, it’s a beginner-friendly logo design and editing tool for non-designers. Today, we are launching our pre-order. We are offering one brand lifetime license for $49.99, at 60% discount. You can create your brand inside our app and update it forever. 👉 Pre-order Now
Why did we launch this?
First of all, a brief introduction: We are Hua and Wenting, and we are the makers behind this app. Before Typogram, we have collaborated on several other projects, like Anicons.
We are both passionate designers that want to create easy-to-use design tools that enable people to feel fun and creative. We want to make design more accessible for non-designers. This launch is a special milestone because Typogram has been an idea in the works for a long time. We wanted to share our journey to this point so far.
What was the start of Typogram?
Typogram started out as a professional tool for designers in its earliest stage. As we ran around with equipment and interviewed users, we realized that this app better served non-designers. We had met many newly minted business owners looking to launch their product with a presentable, eye-catching website branded with marketing and a unique logo. They needed their logos designed but didn’t know who to turn to. Many ended up designing logos themselves and complained about the lack of learning resources and an easy-to-use, beginner-friendly tool, geared especially for non-designers to design logos.
After hearing about this pain point, we put our heads down to work by creating free design education resources for entrepreneurs, like FontDiscovery, doing workshops at accelerators like Yale’s Tsai City, and co-working spaces, like the Wing. In addition, we made mini design tools, like Coding Font.
We also developed our features quickly using no-code tools and tested out our app with an initial group of customers. We brought users on-site, had them test out our apps, nervously observed their interactions with our app. When the pandemic hit, we user tested remotely. Eventually, we figured out what worked, what didn’t and built out the features with code! Our customers were happy with what we have and paid us.
What was the most challenging part of this launch?
As shy creatives and engineers, the most challenging aspect of this launch had two layers. First, putting ourselves out there in many unexpected ways, and second, internalized pressure of launching and the desire to be perfect. This was a massive project for us and required us to put ourselves out there consistently. An example is the making of landing page marketing and our product video. We wrote the script, recorded and edited ourselves as the audio, and assembled the footage with in-app recordings and self-made animations. Every single aspect challenged us to do something out of our comfort zone. We were lucky to have a supportive community and friends that challenged us every step of the way.
Now that we feel more confident because our closed alpha customers were satisfied, we are ready to show everyone what we got! That brings us to this preorder launch. We are looking to share more about this journey as we go, all the ups and downs.

How can I support?
Launching a business is hard –– It would mean a lot to us if you could support us!
The best way to support is through pre-ordering our product. Right now, it is offered at $49.99, a 60% discount, for a one brand lifetime license. This means that you can create your brand make updates to it forever as soon as we launch.
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- Thank you so much! It means a lot to small indie business owners like us!