Typogram Product Updates: In-App Tutorial Videos & Modularized App Components

Typogram Product Update: In-App Tutorial Videos & Modularized App Components

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How is Typogram development going?

Since our last update, we have been busy working per your feedback and suggestions. Here is what we worked on. 


In-App Tutorial Videos 

A popular request we received is adding tutorial videos, and we hear you! We have added short in-app tutorial videos that help you along the way in Brand Personality, Brand Color, Distinctive Logo (Logo Editor), and Kerning steps. Each video showcases the available features in that particular step. The short videos present you with how-tos, instructions, and tooltips so that you can find our helpful features. You can find the videos embedded in the learning material posts. We hope you find them useful, and please let us know if you have any feedback.

img: in-app video inside learning material
img: in-app video inside learning material
img: in-app video showing tips on product features
img: in-app video showing tips on product features


Streamlined Brand Name Change 

Another popular request we receive is brand name change. Because Typogram offers a one-brand lifetime license, you are locked down to a brand name once you purchase a paid license. However, we understand that sometimes, accidents happen. There can be spelling errors or incorrect name entries.

The old process for the brand name change was manually sending us an email or via the chat widget. Starting today, we have a better, more streamlined process: you can initiate a name change directly in the app through your project dashboard. Under the appropriate project, click “Request Change Brand Name,” to enter a new name for approval. It’ll usually approve within 24 hours.

img: request to change brand name
img: Request to change brand name

Upcoming: Modularized App Components & Expanding Brand Personality Workshop

We are currently reworking our app from the ground up with a brand-new direction to product thinking: modular steps and shareable work-in-progress. We take pride in our unique eight-step process for creating a professional brand, but its implementation in the app seems rigid regarding workflow adherence. You must go through a series of steps to reach the final destination—Brand Guidelines—which is the only place and time where you can share your work.

The new Typogram maintains the same brand design philosophies and workflows but is much more modular and flexible. We broke ground on this new app direction with Typogram’s first step—Brand Personality. Once completed, it will function as a modular component that can either stand alone as a mini app or serve as a segue to the full Typogram experience. The Brand Personality app will also feature a more visually stunning presentation you can save and publish. 

Our plans for the future: every single step is a standalone app, much more robust, but at the same time, it is still part of the full Typogram experience. The brand design journey can start anywhere and in any order. The work product of each step is presented in a much more visually-impressive way, and you can save and share with your team or community to get feedback.

Let us know what you think of this future direction!


Hearing from You

We’d love to hear more of your thoughts if you have already tried the software. Please share them with us by directly replying to this email or filling out this very short feedback form. If you haven’t tried, we encourage you to create an account and use the Free Trial to play with the tool.

If you encounter any issues, please help us improve by reporting the issue from inside the app or directly through here. You can also chat with us via the chat window inside the app. We are online during the daytime in the EST time zone (and some night time too).

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