Updating Our Product Launch Schedule
Since we launched our pre-order in April, we have been making consistent progress towards launching Typogram, see our June, July, and August product updates. The journey to develop Typogram is like any other adventure, we overcame many obstacles and met new unforeseeable challenges. Recently, after many thoughtful internal discussions and evaluations, we decided to push back our product launch date.
Updating Launch Schedule
While we are full steam ahead developing Typogram, we sometimes overestimate ourselves and underestimate our tasks. In order to ship a quality product, unfortunately, we have to ask you to wait a little longer — our targeted launch date changes from September to January. We are very sorry for the delay and hope you stay with us. If the launch postponement changes your mind about us, we understand entirely, and it is on us. As always, we offer full refunds. Please get in touch with [email protected] to start the refund process if needed.
In the last few months, we have completed:
- choose brand personalities
- choose logo typeface
- logo editor that includes font menu, property editor, icon search/editor module
- part of account management
Though much has been accomplished, we still have to:
- finish account management with necessary backend database updates
- revamp color palette feature
- add brand guidelines webpage publishing features
We think with four additional months, the rest of the work can be completed, and the product can be ready in January 2023.
Announcing pushing back the launch date was not easy. Here are personal reflections from each of us:
In hindsight, underestimating the work scope is the main mistake that set us back — for example, I underestimated the workload surrounding backend development. The account feature is taking much longer and diminishes my momentum. The editable icon project my co-founder is working on also shares the same problem. We need to look at this problem internally and find solutions to estimate work scope and set deadlines more accurately. We have internal deadlines for each project, and missing them often hurts our morale and momentum.
Reflecting upon the progress with editable icons, the main thing that sets us back is the lack of understanding of the technical and design processes. Editable icons are something new - deciding and trying out different designs and tech specs were time-consuming and a process of trial and error. Because of this, I underestimated how long it took to create these icons. As I learn more, I understand this creation process better, which guides me to make better, more accurate estimations of project milestones.
Looking Forward
After we emailed our customers and community about delaying the launch date, surprising to us, we received nothing but positive support from our pre-oder customers and our community.
While we continue our journey towards our product launch in January 2023, we will keep sharing what we built and learned via our monthly updates and we look forward to building Typogram together with our great community, your feedback, and advice.