Holiday Font Pairing Style Guide For Your Marketing Design

Holiday Font Pairing Style Guide For Your Marketing Design

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Holiday Font Pairing Style Guide


This is a holiday font pairing style guide we conceived for fun for the holidays. During the holiday times, everyone need some additional marketing ideas. If you need some inspirational ideas for fonts and graphics, check out our post below! 

Classic & Traditional Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Cormorant Garamond & Noto Sans 

  • Logo Font: Cormorant Garamond Bold
  • Display Font: Cormorant Garamond 
  • Body Font: Noto Sans 

We are using Cormorant Garamond and Noto Sans to create this font pairing palette. Mulled Wine is a classy, traditional drink that dates back to the 2nd century. Romans heated wine during the winter to keep themselves warm (source). The classy tone of Cormorant Garamond and Noto Sans with its calligraphic influence.

Classic & Traditional Font Pairing Palette 
Classic & Traditional Font Pairing Palette 
Classic font pairing palette featuring Cormorant Garamond & Noto Sans 


How to Make This Drink

  1. Combine ingredients. Add wine, brandy, orange slices, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, and 2 tablespoons sweetener to a large saucepan.

  2. Stir briefly to combine.

  3. Cook the mulled wine on medium-high heat until it just barely reaches a simmer.  Reduce heat to low, cover, and let the wine simmer for at least 15 minutes or up to 3 hours.

  4. Using a fine-mesh strainer, remove and discard the orange slices, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and star anise.  Give the mulled wine a taste, and stir in extra sweetener if needed.

original recipe.

Crafty & Fun Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Oregano & Roboto

  • Logo Font: Oregano Italic
  • Display Font: Oregano
  • Body Font: Roboto

Oregano and Roboto are used to create this crafty and fun font pairing palette. Holiday Punch is a drink full of citrusy fruity flavors. The organic, brushy feeling of Oregano matches the citrusy flavorful quality of this delicious drink. The natural, calligraphic feelings of Roboto match the brushiness of Oregano really well. 

Crafty & Fun Font Pairing Palette 
Crafty & Fun Font Pairing Palette 
Crafty & Fun font pairing palette featuring Oregano & Roboto


How to Make This Drink

  1. Chill all liquids. Just before serving, combine the sparkling wine or white wine, ginger ale, Cointreau, and pineapple juice in a large punch bowl.

  2. Top with the orange wheels, lemon wheels, raspberries or cranberries, and herbs as a garnish. Serve immediately. Bubbles dissipate after about 20 minutes, so it’s best served immediately (but still tastes great without bubbles).

original recipe

Sci-fi Future Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Orbitron & Dosis  

  • Logo Font: Orbitron Bold
  • Display Font:  Orbitron
  • Body Font: Dosis

Orbitron and Dosis are used to create this font pairing palette. Galaxy Cocktail is a space-themed drink with a mysterious purple gradient. The boxy characteristic of the Orbitron along with the geometric quality of Dosis communicates a futuristic vibe that perfectly communicates the vibe of this drink.

Sci-fi Future Font Pairing Palette 
Sci-fi Future Font Pairing Palette 
Sci-fi Future font pairing palette featuring Orbitron & Dosis 


How to Make This Drink

  1. Chill all ingredients for 2 hours

  2. Add all chilled ingredients to a cocktail shaker

  3. Shake mixture then strain into a martini glass

original recipe

Soft & Airy Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Averia & Space Grotesque

  • Logo Font: Averia Libre Gruesa
  • Display Font:  Averia Libre Gruesa &  Averia Sans Libre
  • Body Font: Space Grotesque

Averia Libre Grusa, Averia Libre Sans, and Space Grotesque are used to create this font pairing palette. The uneven strokes of Averia Libre Grusa and Averia Libre Sans communicate a softness and airiness tone perfect for a refreshing drink like Winter Sea Breeze.

Soft & Airy Font Pairing Palette 
Soft & Airy font pairing palette featuring Averia & Space Grotesque


How to Make This Drink

  1. Fill your glass about 3/4 full with ice. A lowball glass is a perfect size.

  2. Add the vodka, grapefruit juice, tonic syrup* and stir.

  3. Pour in the soda water and garnish with the pomegranate seeds and mint leaves.

original recipe

Warm & Nostalgic Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Enriqueta & IBM Plex Sans

  • Logo Font: Enriqueta SemiBold
  • Display Font :  Enriqueta
  • Body Font: IBM Plex Sans

Enriqueta and IBM Plex Sans together create this font pairing palette. The bold strokes slab serif Enriqueta along with IBM Plex Sans gives this a warm, comforting, and nostalgic vibe, perfect for a coffee-themed holiday drink! 

Warm & Nostalgic font pairing palette featuring Enriquetta & IBM Plex Sans
Warm & Nostalgic font pairing palette featuring Enriquetta & IBM Plex Sans


How to Make This Drink

  1. Make the coffee using your favorite method.

  2. Add the coffee to a glass or mug, leaving about an inch at the top for the whipped cream if using. Stir in the gingerbread syrup.

  3. Gently float the whipped cream on top using the back of a spoon.

original recipe

Cheerful Font Pairing Palette 

Fonts in Use

Fredoka One & Nunito

  • Logo Font: Fredoka One Regular
  • Display Font: Fredoka One
  • Body Font: Nunito

Gingerbread Martini is a drink full of holiday spirit. The roundness and boldness of Fredoka One along with Nunito’s rounded caps communicate a cheeriness that is perfect for this sweet, winter flavored drink.

Cheerful Font Pairing Palette 
Cheerful Font Pairing Palette 
Cheerful font pairing palette featuring Fredoka One & Nunito

How to Make This Drink

  1. Place the sprinkles or sugar on a plate. Wet the rim of the glass, then roll the rim in the sprinkles or sugar until evenly coated.

  2. Place the gingerbread syrup, vodka, and half and half in a cocktail shaker. Add a handful of ice and shake until cold. Strain the drink into the prepared martini glass.

original recipe

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